I assume you've done six months of vigorous training at .cc?
I seriously don't know what to say here. *awkward silence*
Age 32, Male
Woodbridge High
Irvine, California
Joined on 8/7/08
I assume you've done six months of vigorous training at .cc?
Hard, but worth it.
i saw your flash. it was good. if you do another one youshold put more color on the lines and some music that goes together with the movements. i put 5/5
Thanks, I will.
So there was a fruit-clock name that wasn't taken :(
Ah well...I think it's better to be Money anyways
Nah, MoneyClock sounds gay.
Hey dude welcome and happy Clock day
PruneClock is taken Mr (namehere)clock.
If it's already on .cc, then it's me.
I feel awquard being surrounded...by...clocks, wtf, now i'm confused, how many clocks are there? ^.^
HELLO THAR!! And welcome to newgrounds!! And if you need help, ask me.
Ok, thanks man.